Crossweaves in the Morphic Field


Crossweaves in the Morphic Field, live sound performance, 
cosmic octave planetary tones, quartz singing bowl, live plant frequencies, voice recordings, and water recordings, 20mins
Printed Matter, January 2020, New York, New York

I use sound as a way to communicate the biggest ideas – holistic in the largest sense and an abstract version of a unified theory. Sound is an excellent medium for conceptually harmonizing dissonance. Sight is our dominant sense but our ears can detect a much wider range of frequencies. The eyes respond to an approximate doubling of lightwave frequencies (red to violet). The ear detects 10 times this range in sound waves. Given that our hearing is not as dominant as our vision, there is more flexibility in our judgment. The range of sounds (found and made) in this work incorporates macro and micro scales; from the cosmic to terrestrial and geopolitical, to the topography of the human body and plant communication.

The live aspect of the work is critical in that its ephemerality asks for more focused attention. The vulnerability of the live performance also introduces a rawness and brings the cosmic back to something tangible. Site and time-specific water recordings offer a resonance or frequency from where they were collected. Water is a symbol of life and carries a multitude of memories. The alchemy of editing on the timeline speaks to globalization, interconnectedness, communication (cosmic, bodily, interspecies), and unified physics. The Cosmic Octave Planetary Tuning Forks tone to the precise frequencies of the orbit of each planet around the sun, with the Sun being the central, core vibration. More than that, these forks create intervals that are universal to life, from cosmic to cellular makeup.